Recruitment, training evaluation, and compensation. Medical termination of pregnancy act, 1971 (as amended to. Medicinal and toilet preparations (excise duties) act, 1955. Latest drugs (price control) order in force. Narcotics drugs and psychotropic substances act, 1985. The drugs and magic remedies (objectionable advertisement). Principles and significance of professional ethics. Origin and nature of pharmaceutical legislation in India. Drugs acting on the central nervous system. Introduction to pharmacology, the scope of pharmacology. Anticonvulsants, cardiac glycosides, antiarrhythmic,. Analgesics and anti-inflammatory agents. Nomenclature of an organic chemical system. Give you a basics idea about what you have to study to clear 2nd year D Here we mentioned a short syllabus of each subject that Hospital and Clinical Pharmacy D.Pharm 2nd Year All Subjects Syllabus In Short
The 6 books of second-year D Pharmacy are as follows:Ħ. Marks are evaluated on the basis of 80% of external examination and 20% of the sessional Jurisprudence and Drug store and business management. All of these subjects have 100 marks of a theory part and 100 marks of a practical part examination except pharmaceutical In the 2nd year of D.Pharm study, there are a total of 6 D.Pharm 2nd Year Books PDF Download Links.D.Pharm 2nd Year All Subjects Syllabus in Short.
Through the below table of content, you will directly reach the download If you are familiar with all this, please navigate Necessary information about the topic especially for those who don’t know their This post may be a little longer as we described all the