I'm using xfinium library ( ) to generate pdf in my app. Has no mention of the Setting Model triggering the event _objc_msgSendSuper_IntPtr()į(string forKey)Ĭt_MyValue(int value) When it fires twice, the stack trace (abridged) for the first has. It's very confusing, any idea on how to stop 2 change events firing, as I don't want to hit the API twice every time! The above will work for the Xcode controls, they will update the model and trigger a change event.īut programmatically updating it = 1 However, it no longer triggers a change when programmatically updating the model value. Interestingly, if you don't specify the Xcode WillChangeValue and DidChangeValue methods, then it doesn't trigger twice - as though Xamarin has automatically triggered the change once. Im not sure if its Xamarin or XCode that is causing the double trigger. CODE HERE THAT UPDATES AN API WITH THE VALUE public override void ObserveValue(NSString keyPath, NSObject ofObject, NSDictionary change, IntPtr context)

SettingsModel.AddObserver(this, (NSString)key, NSKeyValueObservingOptions.New, this.Handle) I am listening to the change so I can then hit an API with the value. It all appears to work fine, the control shows the model value, changing the model value programmatically updates the control and changing the control updates the model value. private int _MyVal Īnd bind a control to it in Xcode under the bindings section with the path If I create a KVO model with a binding like this. I have followed the docs, and it is working, but the bindings appear to trigger 2 change events each time! I am trying to implement KVO bindings in a Xamarin Mac desktop app. Var windowId = 64() ĭoMpvCommand("loadfile", _mediaFilePath) MPV has made a great example of how to interaction mpv with C# at mpv-exmaples /mpv-player/mpv-examples/blob/master/libmpv/csharp/Form1.csĬocoa platform's specific can also be found at cocoa-example /mpv-player/mpv-examples/tree/master/libmpv/cocoa Private static extern IntPtr MpvCreate() #Play You can find the instruction from Xamarin Website /guides/ios/advanced_topics/native_interop/#Accessing_C_Dylibs.

Install_name_tool -change libavfilter.6.dylibĭllImport is C# way to do dlopen /api/type// Quick Example: otool -L libavfilter.6.dylib You can fix it by install_name_tool thanks to brendanzagaeski /xamarin/0004.html.

IINA's original dylibs were using to solve the Search Path which will causing System.DllNotFoundException. IINA /lhc70000/iina/tree/develop/deps/lib project. The most easiest way is grabbing it from /kevinzhow/MPVDemo-macOS/tree/master/MPVDemo/libs and all these libs were modified from

This is a Xamarin macOS Project to example how to Use MPV /mpv-player/mpv to play video.